
امتحان مهارات حاسوب وتعلم الكتروني – النموذج الاول

امتحان مهارات حاسوب وتعلم الكتروني هو امتحان تجريبية يشابه امتحان الجامعة من حيث نمط الاسئلة وطبيعة تقديم الامتحان، الأسئلة عليها إجابات قد تحتمل الصواب وقد تحتمل الخطأ فإن أصبنا فما هو إلى توفيق من الله ،وإن أخطأنا فمن أنفسنا والشيطان.


معلومات عن الامتحان ||

  • يتكون الامتحان من 30 سؤال.
  • المدة الزمنية لتقديم الامتحان 60 دقيقة.
  • بعد الانتهاء من تقديم الامتحان ستظهر نتيجتك بالإضافة لاجابتك على الاسئلة وستظهر الاجابات الصحيحة للأسئلة ايضاً.


لجنة سنافر البوليتكنك تتمنى لكم التوفيق ❤️

1 / 31

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

2 / 31

which one of the following may cause a user to be denied access to one collaborative tools

3 / 31

(Protecting the ownership of copyrights, trademarks and patent). This statement describes the importance of:

4 / 31

The benefit of using online collaborative tools where the users can where the users can work remotely from anywhere is called

5 / 31

The 8-digit number 02062014 is…….before processed

6 / 31

To remove the password from a MS Excel workbook firstly we need to

7 / 31

Which one of the following is NOT an examples of an application that may need to be installed to use certain online colablrative

8 / 31

Almost all viruses are attached the file which have extention


9 / 31

A distributed network configuration in which all data/information pass through a central computer is

10 / 31

One of the following statements is true:

11 / 31

Which of the following is considered as one of the cloud computing risk

12 / 31

Which of the following manage an access problem when and certain online collaboration tool

13 / 31

Which one of the following is an example of online learning

14 / 31

A web site on which an individual or group of users record ,information On a regular basis

15 / 31

The network consists of a direct link between two computers is called:

16 / 31

is a sequence of programmable commands which translates a certain input into output.

17 / 31

Read the following Scenario:(Khalid want to enhance his skills in French language so he bought a CD and start training by himself.) Which of the following answers reflect the above scenario?

18 / 31

involves recovering passwords from data that has been stored in or transmitted by a computer system refers to……

19 / 31

Which one of the following is Not an operating system for a mobile device?

20 / 31

WLAN stand by

21 / 31

Which one of the following is not a limitation of online storage

22 / 31

One of the following is NOT a features of a typical online learning environment

23 / 31

in a free service that let you being you photos documents and videos anywhere and share the easiy

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can support and promote online collaboration

25 / 31

This characteristic to (training needs to be delibered in as short a time frame as possible with maximum results)

26 / 31

Which of the following is true regarding secure password?

27 / 31

is used to convert sound such as speech to digital signal………


28 / 31

A software application for the administration ,documentation ,tracking reporting and delivery of e-learning education courses or training programs

29 / 31

Bluetooth is an example of


30 / 31

In the case of comparing the BUS network with the STAR network, we conclude:

31 / 31

Which one of the following can be used to authenticate a user of a mobile device?

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