
امتحان مستوى حاسوب – النموذج الثالث

امتحان المستوى حاسوب هو امتحان تجريبية يشابه امتحان الجامعة من حيث نمط الاسئلة وطبيعة تقديم الامتحان، الأسئلة عليها إجابات قد تحتمل الصواب وقد تحتمل الخطأ فإن أصبنا فما هو إلى توفيق من الله ،وإن أخطأنا فمن أنفسنا والشيطان.


معلومات عن الامتحان ||

  • يتكون الامتحان من 25 سؤال.
  • المدة الزمنية لتقديم الامتحان 60 دقيقة.
  • بعد الانتهاء من تقديم الامتحان ستظهر نتيجتك بالإضافة لاجابتك على الاسئلة وستظهر الاجابات الصحيحة للأسئلة ايضاً.


لجنة سنافر البوليتكنك تتمنى لكم التوفيق ❤️

1 / 25

What is a URL:

2 / 25

The main circuit board in the computer that
connects the parts of the computer is the:

3 / 25

________ a library used to display all the
pictures stored in your computer and you can
open it from Start menu:

4 / 25

A new blank workbook contains how many

5 / 25

Which of the following is an operating

6 / 25

Which one of the following should be used to
change your password in your computer:

7 / 25

Folders are used to:

8 / 25

Touch screen is an input unit:

9 / 25

DVD is an abbreviation for ” display video

10 / 25

Which of the following is an example of the
use of e-commerce on the Internet:

11 / 25

You can copy a file, by:

12 / 25

Which one of the following measures the
speed of the CPU:

13 / 25

ALU is an abbreviation for:

14 / 25

Which one of the following can protect a
computer from the risk of unwanted emails:

15 / 25

-MS-PowerPoint- The default page setup
orientation of a slide in Power Point, is:

16 / 25

-MS-PowerPoint- To change the divisions in a
slide, go to:

17 / 25

Which of the following is a storage=e device:

18 / 25

Which symbol should you use to search for
all items with the same extension type:

19 / 25

When minimizing a window, its button will
appear on:

20 / 25

Recycle Bin contains:

21 / 25

Which of the following file names is not

22 / 25

In excel the intersection of a column and row
is called:

23 / 25

Line charts are most appropriate for:

24 / 25

What is an attachment?

25 / 25

-MS-PowerPoint-When adding Custom
Animation to your slides, you can:

Your score is
