
امتحان مستوى حاسوب – النموذج الثاني

امتحان المستوى حاسوب هو امتحان تجريبية يشابه امتحان الجامعة من حيث نمط الاسئلة وطبيعة تقديم الامتحان، الأسئلة عليها إجابات قد تحتمل الصواب وقد تحتمل الخطأ فإن أصبنا فما هو إلى توفيق من الله ،وإن أخطأنا فمن أنفسنا والشيطان.


معلومات عن الامتحان ||

  • يتكون الامتحان من 25 سؤال.
  • المدة الزمنية لتقديم الامتحان 60 دقيقة.
  • بعد الانتهاء من تقديم الامتحان ستظهر نتيجتك بالإضافة لاجابتك على الاسئلة وستظهر الاجابات الصحيحة للأسئلة ايضاً.


لجنة سنافر البوليتكنك تتمنى لكم التوفيق ❤️

1 / 25

How deep (how many rows) is an excel

2 / 25

Which one is not a tab in Microsoft Word

3 / 25

A rectangular block of cells is called a:

4 / 25

What tool can be used to quickly create SUM

5 / 25

Which of the following includes a

6 / 25

What are you should press if you mistake:

7 / 25

To establish new tab, you should click:

8 / 25

The save icon on the standard toolbar looks

9 / 25

The way Information appears in a cell (such
as its alignment, font) is referred to as the cell’s:

10 / 25

The copy button on the Home tab ribbon
looks like:

11 / 25

In Excel, what is the result of the formula = 3
+(4 – 2)*3 :

12 / 25

Suppose you have Inserted a picture in a
document, which of the following is correct :

13 / 25

What is the shorter way of computing

14 / 25

Times New Roman, Comic Sans and Calibri
are called:

15 / 25

If you save a document under a new name:

16 / 25

Which tab would you choose to change the
font size of a word from 12 points to 18 points?

17 / 25

When we create a table in a word document ,
which of the following sentences , is incorrect :

18 / 25

Which of the following key combination
formats selected text as bold:

19 / 25

What happens in a document when the “cut”
command is used?:

20 / 25

To select a single word:

21 / 25

If you want to add a table to your document,
which tab would you choose:

22 / 25

When typing text in word for windows you
should press ENTER at the end of a:

23 / 25

What would you do to highlight a word? You
position the cursor next to the word and then:

24 / 25

To create anew style based on an existing
formatted paragraph:

25 / 25

You are most likely to find Greek characters
such as μ or £ in:

Your score is


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