
امتحان مستوى حاسوب – النموذج الرابع

امتحان المستوى حاسوب هو امتحان تجريبية يشابه امتحان الجامعة من حيث نمط الاسئلة وطبيعة تقديم الامتحان، الأسئلة عليها إجابات قد تحتمل الصواب وقد تحتمل الخطأ فإن أصبنا فما هو إلى توفيق من الله ،وإن أخطأنا فمن أنفسنا والشيطان.


معلومات عن الامتحان ||

  • يتكون الامتحان من 25 سؤال.
  • المدة الزمنية لتقديم الامتحان 60 دقيقة.
  • بعد الانتهاء من تقديم الامتحان ستظهر نتيجتك بالإضافة لاجابتك على الاسئلة وستظهر الاجابات الصحيحة للأسئلة ايضاً.


لجنة سنافر البوليتكنك تتمنى لكم التوفيق ❤️

1 / 25

A complete electronic circuit with transistors
and other electronic components on a small
silicon chip is called a(n)

2 / 25

The extension for “Microsoft power point” is
ppt :

3 / 25

The raw material used to create information
is called:

4 / 25

_______ are memory chips that are linked to
the CPU ; very fast chips, they helped in reducing
the gap speed between RAM and CPU :

5 / 25

CD-ROM stand for:

6 / 25

The computer operation that transforms
entered raw data is produced meaning
information is called:

7 / 25

The CPU speed is measured by:

8 / 25

When entering text within a document, the
Enter key is normally pressed at the end of every:

9 / 25

_______ means taking all the broken pieces and
joining them back together again:

10 / 25

-MS-PowerPoint- The maximum number of
slides that can be printed in one page is:

11 / 25

Which of the following refers to too much
electricity and may cause a voltage surge?

12 / 25

One of the following is NOT an input device:

13 / 25

Which of the following operating systems is

14 / 25

1024 KB equal:

15 / 25

A program either talk or music, that is made
available in digital format for automatic
download over the internet is called a:

16 / 25

which one of these computer is the most
powerful :

17 / 25

One of the following is a feature of ROM

18 / 25

The extension of a word document is:

19 / 25

A Megabytes equals:

20 / 25

Temporary or volatile storage is also known

21 / 25

Which computer memory is used for storing
programs and data currently being processed by
the CPU?

22 / 25

The process of a computer receiving
information form a server on the Internet is
known as:

23 / 25

_______ are specially designed computer chips
that reside inside devices, such as your car or
your electronic thermostat:

24 / 25

-MS-Word- One of the following cannot be
set in the Page layout tab:

25 / 25

Default file name for new file in Word

Your score is
